Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Internal journey through dreams

     I usually dream every night and remember most of them. I have 3 kinds of dreams: first, the wish-forefeeling one which I dream when I wish something specific happens, second is the one that you dream and a couple of days/weeks later happens, and the random dreams like a falling dream. On my exercise of writing my dream on the journal it was a very successful one. I woke up at 11:10 am that afternoon and my notebook was beside me so that I had no interruption of my dream. As soon as I became aware that I was awake I started writing what I remembered. The more clear dream that I had was one of an interview that was given to me by GE Capital, a very well known company in the US and worldwide. The interview went very well and I did it as I would like it to happen with a clear and strong conversation with the interviewer. I relate this dream with the experience I had a couple of days before at a job fair at the university. I think this dream is a wish-forefeeling one since a dreamed what I would most like to happen in the fore coming months that I will be expecting a call for an interview. Having this interview in real life would be a dream come true since it is the company that I most liked in the job fair.


  1. I also had the falling dream. It's horrible! About your dream, I hope you receive the call. Good luck!

  2. Falling is such a common thing to dream! I think we are living life to stressed out and our brain is trying to send us messages! Hope you get time to relax soon...
