Friday, September 19, 2014

Tourism in Puerto Rico

     Well, being a resident in the island makes me have different opinions from some tourist that comment on the island after visiting. First, let me talk about the negative comments, starting with crime in the island. Crime is a huge problem here in Puerto Rico, every week hundreds of people are killed, and many by pure joke. Recently there have been many cases of domestic violence which brings more drama to the everyday news. Talking as a citizen of Puerto Rico, I admit it is frightening how horrible the crime is in here, you can't event walk alone outside the university at night without being scared of getting assaulted.

     As for the positive comments about the island, I can say with pride to a tourist that "I live where you vacation." I love saying that phrase. This island is full of beauty. We have the one and only tropical rain forest called El Yunke, one of the best hotels on the world in Dorado and in Vieques, and we have beautiful beaches like Flamenco in Culebra which is in the top 3 most beautiful beaches in the world. Those, and many other things, are to be proud of in the island. All the positive feedback on the island attracts more tourists which makes the island more presentable and also helps the economy since we are living in such hard times.

     For my personal opinion as a Puerto Rican, I will always have my pride towards the flag where I was born in. Everywhere I go I will always have in my heart all the good memories I had during my youth in the island. Personally, when I grow up and become independent I would not live here knowing how bad the criminality is here, but I would recommend the island to all the people I know from outside Puerto Rico because it's a great place to have a vacation. Many people judge Puerto Rico by what others say, and do not take the time to come here and explore all it's beauty. I exhort each and every one of you that are not from here to come and see for yourself how beautiful an island it is. Visitor's must be sure to leave costly belongings in the hotel when going somewhere but other than that there is not much to worry about because criminals do not go for the tourist in this island so visitors can be relaxed about that.


  1. Nice post! Puerto Rico has a lot of wonderful places and Flamenco Beach is absolutely one of them!

  2. I've never visited Vieques! As you describe it I hope I get to visit someday. Great post about our little island.
